Dubbo South Public School Stage 2 and 3 students now have the opportunity to complete online weekly homework tasks.
We want all our students to grow into proficient readers and mathematicians.
So, we have designed online tasks to allow students to independently engage with questions, activities and problems to give them time to practise their skills and deepen their understanding.
The tasks will provide students with automatic feedback to instantly confirm, or correct their understanding. Students can also complete the same task multiple times, if they wish.
The reading tasks focus on building skills in predicting, comprehension and vocabulary. The mathematics tasks will allow students to practise solving real world inspired word problems.
Your child has been supported to join the Stage 2, or 3 Homework Google Classroom in a lesson today. He/She also completed the Maths Task 1 as a trial to familiarise themselves with how to use this new format.
Students can access the tasks on a laptop or desktop computer at home following the same steps they used in class.
We will be able to monitor students’ completion rates and scores. The tasks will provide us with data to inform how we adapt our teaching to support and challenge your child’s growth.
If you would like your child to complete the tasks on a phone or tablet device, download the Google Classroom App and Google Forms App from Android or Apple App stores.
If you experience any difficulties please contact us.
Students still have the option to take home a grid worksheet for homework.
We hope your child enjoys learning through this innovative platform.

What does the Australian Education Research Organisation recommend about family impact with homework: