Dubbo South Public School

Quality Education, Excellence, Innovation, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 6882 2529


Positive Behaviour for Learning

Postive Behaviour for Learning at Dubbo South

School Behaviour Support and Management Plan 

Please click here to see the full document of our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan for 2025

Positive Behaviour Expectations (PBE) brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

When PBE is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction

For more information about PBE in NSW schools, please follow this link to - Behaviour and Engagment.


PBE Handbook

The PBE Handbook is a guide for teachers, parents and students. The handbook is revised annually and was compiled with input from the parent body. Whilst the handbook is used consistently, at times Principal discretion may be needed.

Ollie - Tangible Token System


DSPS Celebration System

Achievement Award System

Achievement Awards are given out by teachers weekly. 4 Awards are issued each in mainstream classes. Where small class sizes occur such as in Kindergarten or Support Unit, the number of the awards handed out is adjusted fairly. Students are encouraged to collect their achievement awards in a 'photo album' style collection and bring to a school exective at each interval of 5. From here, students gain the next 'tier' of the achievement awards, such as a Merit or credit etc